Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Work on it Wednesday

What I need to work on this week is my time management. More exact, I need to revamp my personal schedule. I have a personal daily schedule that I try and follow, along with a house cleaning schedule and I've let them slip a bit lately. I guess I've been feeling out of sorts and unmotivated, but honestly things in my life do run better when I have a bit of order to them. So, I'm dusting off my schedule, reviewing it for changes that need to be made and reimplementing it. I also have a home management binder that could use a review too. It contains everything I think I need to help manage our home. I used it faithfully for more than a year, but I got out of the habit and knowing what a valuable tool it is I need to put it back into use.
However, the big thing I notice about my day is that the computer is a big time suck. I know, it probably is for many of us. However when I followed my schedule more closely I only allotted myself small blocks of time throughout the day and not the unlimited surfathons that I can fall into. It was hard to break the habit initially but my quality of life was much improved by not spending so much time online. Hard to imagine, but it was. Also when I broke the house work into daily task, the house was much neater and I didn't feel as overwhelmed by the sheer task of cleaning up after 6 folks. It's funny because my friend and I were just talking about what an awesome resource the Internet is and how it so instant and how it helps connect you to the world. Especially if you're a stay at home mom. It's easy to feel isolated and disconnected if you're at home cut off from other adults and your life centers around your children and home. But with just a few clicks you can find a whole community of people who understand your dilemma. They are there for you any time of the day or night and there really is something to be said about that. However, I don't know if I need to be spending quite so much time with them (and I mean that in the nicest possible way, lol).