Friday, May 22, 2009

My Doppleganger

I'm so excited! After years of wanting one, I finally bought a dress form. But not just any one, I got a Fabulous Fit dress form. Just like they use on project runway (which I've not seen, by the way). It's super cool and you're suppose to be able o customize it so that it's a duplicate of your actual figure. It came with a bunch of foam pads to accomplish this. I think they run close to $400 with the shipping and all, but I got mine off Craigslist for about 60% less, woohoo super score! I hope it helps me feel motivated to sew more for myself. As I've shared before I have an insane amount of fabric and patterns and tons of ideas...but very little actual time to sew. I really want to make more stuff for myself this year. I think I'll call her Serena since that rhymes with my name. I still need to take a bunch of measurement a pad her up. But, I thought you might enjoy meeting her. So, here she is in all her headless armless glory.