Thursday, May 14, 2009

Green Thumb?

Well, I'm so excited. I'm going to try for a little vegetable garden in our backyard. I've opted to do a square foot garden and have gathered bits of information from the library, online sources such as this site. and my local extension service. I posted on freecycle to get the wood to make my boxes and I was happy to receive some. Mister has a friend who is a landscaper so I'm going to get the soil from him. I will purchase the plants as inexpensively as I can from big box stores. It was recommended to me to do plants rather than seeds and I agree. I think it will be a really fun activity for the kids this summer and fall, plus I hope to be able to put up some of what we grow. I want to grow some tomatoes, some green beans, some herbs, some squash and maybe some melons.
Can't wait for everything to come in. Nothing like growing your own food to make you feel like a real earth mother, lol.