Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Christmas!

I hope everyone enjoys the day and the time with the family! I'm excited because I'm home with my family and not at work this year. Our day started off bright and early...the kids were bursting at the seams to discover what Santa bought them. My kids are thrilled with their haul and declared it the best Christmas evaahhh! I tried to stay within a prescribed budget, yet get everyone a few quality things that they really wanted as well as needed. I started shopping in September, I used coupons and watched sales, even picking up a few things at thrift stores. I'm happy to say that I was finished by Black Friday and paid cash for everything. It's funny what the favorites turned out to be. Who knew that the simple wooden fold and go dollhouse from Melissa and Doug would be such a big hit. I purchased it for O. (using a 50% off coupon at AC Moore), but M. is enthralled with it too. I added a few extra pieces from Ryan's Room picked up reasonably at Tuesday Morning. S. seems happy after stating he just wanted clothes and cash, lol. E. has serenaded us on his bongo drums (thanks Grandma!)I'm proud to say that I did finish the scarf for O. that matches her coat. Of course M. was only interested in collecting more Thomas stuff this year and has little interest in much else...luckily I started early with my coupons to get him a few of the pieces he doesn't already have. All in all it's a good day because we're together and even with everything that's going in our world I feel grateful to have my family, health, food, shelter and to even have the ablility to be able to indulge a bit this time of year. Anyway, I hope Santa brought you something fabulous. I'm off to spend it with the family and play the wii!!! WooHoo, wii fit here I come!