Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Alright, so I might just have a problem

You may have heard that Linens and Things is going out of business. Well, I had been working on my goals list for 2009 and one of the things I hoped to accomplish was restoring some semblance of organization to my sewing supplies and fabric. So, I buzzed in there the other day and picked up some of the chrome shelving systems they had for sale ($36). I started off getting just one. Hmmm...I've ended up needing 3 plus a smaller shelf I relocated from the master bedroom. Not to mention that I didn't even address the 6 foot armoire that I have crammed full of fabric that I can't even get the doors to close on. I have a problem. I think it was easy to be in denial when the fabric was disorganized. I didn't realize how much I had. Ok...maybe I did, I just didn't want to admit it. I have stopped buying fabric in recent months and I will continue to buy very sparingly in the future. I don't know if I should go through it and try and sale some or just chock it up to the fact that it's my hobby and everything I purchased was because I really liked it and had some vision for it. I can say as I was going through it, nothing jumped out at me as something I now hated...I still loved most of it. Ugh, it really is a sickness. Anyways...I thought I'd share some pix. They were hard to obtain because the dimensions of my sewing room are so shallow and I couldn't get far enough away to photograph the shelving well. So here's a pix of my sewing room storage, 2 overflow shelves in the garage, one small shelf in the upstairs hallway. I photographed the uber stuffed armoire but it was so chaotic looking I thought I better not post it, lol.