Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Strawberry Fields , a thrift store score and a bit of sewing

Yesterday O. and I went strawberry picking. I did most of the work since 1. O. hates bugs and was worried that one was on her, lol. 2. She said the bucket was too heavy. She's a riot, that one. It was pretty fun though and the berries were beautiful, big and sweet. I froze some to enjoy later and I have some in the fridge that I will make some strawberry bread, jam and strawberry shortcakes. I just love baking and especially when the ingredients are fresh and of a good quality. Good butter, great chocolate, fresh fruit and you have the makings of something fabulous.

Oh and I wanted to share my great score with you. If I haven't said so before I love thrifting. It's the best. I love finding the hidden treasure and the super score! Yesterday was one of those days. For $34 I got 2 pairs of jeans, a pair of slacks, 4 shirts, 2 books and a brand new coach bag that is the perfect size for my camera ($8). I was stoked!!! Gotta love the thrift store.

Last but not least, here's one of the outfits I made for the boys when I was having my day of "clothes for the boys". I think it came out pretty cute and I used my coverstitcher on the shirt (the neckline is fine even though I realize that it looks a bit wonky lying flat for the photo). I also did an applique for the first time. It was completely unintentional, but a happy mistake. Originally I was just doing some embroidery on the tshirt front and I guess I didn't pay close enough attention when I was hooping it because it wasn't until the last color change that I noticed that the shirt was hooped upside down. Never fear...I finished and then cut it out as a patch and put it on the jean shorts. All is well. The raglan tshirt is from Ottobre 3/06 and the jean shorts are from the Kwiksew for Children. I love that book and use it constantly. I think it's a must for any sewist sewing for her children. It gives you master patterns that you can mix and match to create much of your children's wardrobe. Even though the photography is dated, the designs are classic and easily adapted to todays styles.