Monday, May 5, 2008

Pretty in Pink

For many years I was the mother of boys, not a bad thing at all...but the pleasure I get having a little girl to fuss over is hard to explain. And by some gift from the universe she is a girly girl. Loves the pink and purple, glittery, sparkly or shiny anything. She loves for me to make her things and she can spend hours at my feet as a sew up something for her so it's a symbiotic thing I guess. Anyways this is my Hanna Anderrsen knockoff. The main body of the dress came from the Ottobre 3/07 sleeveless tank dress and the sleeves are from 1/05 I believe. I made them puffed and did lettuce edging on the hem and the sleeves. The sweet pink fabric is from Chez Ami...I've had it for over a year and can't recall what line it's from. It's very soft and twirly. The perfect summer playdress.