Friday, May 23, 2008

Six week declutter challenge

Ok! This is basically a challenge to myself. My friend and I were talking about the state of our homes and it got me thinking about purging, decluttering, donating, getting rid of stuff...downsizing. Whatever you want to call it, but it got me thinking that it's all too much. So...I've issued a challenge to myself to get control of it. I know that nobody is going to rescue me from this mess...but if I take it in small bits, focusing on a couple areas/week I should be able to make some great strides. So, not wanting to put things off, my week will run from Friday to Thursday and I'm going to start with books and magazines. I will post on freecycle to see if anyone wants them and I will not be concerned about the money I spent. I'll just let it go. So...week 1, bookshelf, books and magazines. I'll post about this again on Thursday and I'll let you know how it went. I think the next week I'm going to focus on the kitchen. I have alot of dishes and tupperware I need to purge as well as cleaning out the pantry. See, I've already got a game plan. This is good!