Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Baby gift bonanza

One of the best things about being able to sew and just being crafty in general is making stuff for other folks. I get a big thrill in gifting homemade. My dear friend Brandy is expecting twin girls any day now. It's a great blessing to her and her family as she has struggled with infertility. I wanted to make her a few special items to welcome her baby girls. Nothing fancy really, but just personal and unique. I made her some bibs, burp cloths and a bag that she can use a diaper bag (I put 2 generous size pockets inside it). The fabric came from my stash...it's nice to have a fabric stash. I can usually find something to use whenever I want to make an item. I also didn't want to leave out her little daughter, MacKenzie who will soon be a big sister. I made her a little bag that Brandy can fill with special goodies and Mackenzie can carry them along with her when she goes to meet her new little sisters. I really enjoyed doing the embroidery on the items. I think it added a sweet touch. All the embroidery designs came from a wonderful online site called SewForum they have a great forum for sharing free designs. As soon as I get my software I hope to contribute some of my own designs to share. Anyway,her shower is tomorrow. I hope she likes her gifts.