Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hair Woes

As school starts I've been thinking a lot about this issue and even discussed the challenges of black hair care with two of my girlfriends. My daughter's hair is wild and beautiful. I love it, she loves it. However, it's very different from my own and I'm determined to treat her hair right and stay natural with it. I don't think it's necessary to use harsh chemicals on it or tame it into some type of submission. However, I do want it to look clean, neat and healthy. I'm trying to educate myself about how to best care for it. I'm part of the generation who embraced harsh chemicals and weekly pilgrimages to the beauty shop. It's definitely a learning process for me. For the last several months I've adopted a new regime for caring for her hair. I've researched, read blogs, joined forums, tried out different products to gain a better understanding and routine to care for her hair. Currently I do cowashes with Suave Almond and shea conditioner. About once a month a use KBB's Lucious Locks. I also use coconut oil to moisturize it a few days before a shampoo. I use KBB hair milk in between to give it some moisture between shampoos. I have to make my own shea, coconut oil, aloe hair products with a recipe from this book.
I wish I could post a picture of her with her riotous curls, but I'm having major camera issues (in fact I'm in the market for a new one so if you have a recommendation send it my way). I love that she's proud of her natural hair. My hope is that she doesn't grow up with the hair woes that I had.