Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Work on it Wednesday

Since my regular tv programs have ended for the summer I've been introduced to some shows I didn't know about. One is the television show Mad Men and I have been totally sucked in. Thus, I've also felt very nostalgic of late. Well, actually my nostalgia has manifested itself as a yen to sew up full skirts and prim little dresses. My mind is full of aprons, peter pan collars and pearls. I've been on the hunt for the suitable fabrics and patterns. I scored some awesome retro fabrics at the thrift store and can't wait to get stitching. I was thinking of something like this or this or even this one . I mean it's definitely a look right. Very feminine...yet maybe a little naughty too. I think it's the undergarments. All those slips, stockings with garters, gravity defying bras, I am just fascinated. Coming from a tshirt and jeans kind of gal, it's quite amusing really. So, my big plan for today is to sew up a dress. I've got my fabric washed and now I just need to get everything cut out and stitched up. Oh, and I get to break in my dress form. I'm super stoked! Groovy man!