Saturday, June 6, 2009

Sock love!

I finished this awesome pair of red socks for myself. I say awesome because they are really warm and comfortable. Although I'm not an excellent knitter and they look exactly like they were knitted by a not so excellent knitter I'm still pleased as punch and ready to start on my next pair. They fit and that's the important thing since I'm super lax about doing a gauge swatch (I know, I know, I'll be sorry some day, but not today). This was my test pair. I made them out of worsted weight Plymouth Encore yarn so no fear of shrinkage or fading here. The yarn did pill and split a bit, but who cares since it's for socks I'll wear bumming around the house. My next pair will be made with exquisite Lorna's Lace sock yarn that I purchased ages ago at my LYS. I'm going to try toe up, two at a time on 2 circs. How's that for fun times, it should probably take me until Halloween to finish them, lol.