Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The generosity of others

I really love freecycle.org. I've used it a ton to allow things that I don't necessarily need anymore, but that are perfectly good find new homes. I rarely ever ask for items on there, but recently when I wanted to start a garden and do some canning I asked for scrap lumber and canning jars. I couldn't believe how fortunate I was to get responses and receive what I was seeking. I don't have quite enough scrap wood to make my beds, but it's just that much less wood that I'd have to purchase, plus you know the who recycling thing and keeping it out of the landfill is a good thing. I couldn't believe the amount of canning jars I received. One lady gave me about two dozen jars of various sizes and together with the jars I already have I think I have about 4 dozen. I'm also planning on ordering a pressure canner from Amazon. I have my old Ball Blue book and I belong to several yahoo groups dedicated to canning and small scale gardening. I just thought I'd turn you on to freecycle if you haven't already heard about it. It's really an awesome resource.