Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring Sewing

I found this cool info online about Sewing with a plan. The idea is to make 11 interchangeable items to make up a wardrobe. I want to story board my ideas for the kids wardrobes, but I'm having a tough time figuring out how to do it(not the most computer savvy person around, lol). Nonetheless I'll just tell you what I have planned. So for each child I'm going to make 11 interchangeable items. For E & M. who are essentially the same size it will be like they have double the clothes. So I'll be making the following for each boy.
2 t-shirts from the Simple + 1 book
2 raglan t-shirts with color blocking or embroidery
2 double layer t-shirts/or campshirts
3 pairs of shorts (fabrics will be knit,denim and twill)
2 pairs of knit sweatpants

I do also plan to make a couple pairs of pj pants and some underwear for them too, but that's outside of my wardrobe plan.

For O. I plan to make
2 tshirts (from a favorite Ottobre pattern)
2 tunic tops
2 capris
1 skirt
1 sundress
3 pairs of shorts/skorts

I'll also make a couple of knit nightgowns and underwear for O. too.
This should keep me busy for a bit. I need to pick out the fabric, make sure it's been prewashed and then I'll will do mass cuttings. I'll probably work on one child's clothes at a time to keep from having too many ufo's at once and getting overwhelmed. I'll keep you up on my progress. So, there you have it, my personal SWAP. Ah, if only I was better with the computer. It would look so cool storyboarded. Maybe after I figure out the fabrics and all the patterns I plan to use I can get Mister to help me.