Friday, April 17, 2009

Family Night!!

My son E. is a real family man, the original Mr. Family Values. Whenever I don't have to work on the weekend he plans out our entire itinerary for the day from breakfast to bedtime. He loves doing things together as a family and it makes me glad to know that these times are so special to him. Luckily, because I'm home with my kids during the week we do lots of activities together, but there is nothing like the times when all six of us are together, like tonight. We are having homemade pizza (made by my resident pizza chef, Mr. Family Values himself), dessert fondue and board games. What's so special about this you ask? Well, it's really all in the details. You can't quite appreciate all the planning that has gone into this evenings festivities. And it's all been planned by E. He began planning it out yesterday and hasn't stopped talking about it since. And I mean this literally. He has left no detail to chance. From how he would decorate the dinning room to which dishes we should use and what games we should play. He planned out the menu. Agonizing over which fruits would go best with the fondue. At one point he suggested that we wear formal attire. I had to put the kibosh on that idea. Bless his little planning heart, he's driven me crazy!!! But, when you think about it, it is kind of sweet. He told me recently that he loves family day (the official name given to the times when all six of us are together), and I have to agree...I love it too.