Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Me and Dave

You've probably heard of him, Dave Ramsey the genius behind the Total Money Makeover. He's an advocate of living debt free and paying cash for what you want.
I think Dave and I need to become better acquainted.
As you know over the last few years I've gone through a ton of changes. One of the big ones (and a huge financial impact) was the decision to return to school and gulp...take out a student loan to do it. I wouldn't change the decision to go back to school in a million years. It was right and it's opened up tons of opportunities for me. So, why then am I finding myself just as stressed about money? Well, somehow as my income increased so did my expenditures! Crap, how did that happen?
So, I'm putting on my big girl pants and getting my act together. I would much rather have peace of mind, than pieces of stuff.
Yep, I'm putting it out there. I'm starting a budget and I'm sticking to it.
I've found so much inspiration on the internet. Real people setting realistic goals and making the sacrifices necessary to find financial freedom.
I can do this.