Friday, April 11, 2014


So, a month ago, I merged my two blogs. I should explain. While my life has changed, I thought it was important to remember where I've been, plus I had a lot of great content on my old blog. I mean I was in the height of sewing, crafting, cooking, supermom phase. I think it's important to take the good with you. When I moved the kids and I into our new place I left a lot behind, figuratively and literally. In my mind I kept thinking, "It's a fire, these are the things I lost in the fire."  It's true. You have to let some things have to burn your house down to start anew.

It's good, it's cleansing. Sure, I felt a bit singed and fragile at times, but certainly like a phoenix, I feel arisen. You now how when your computer crashes spectacularly, and then you get a new one and it runs super fast.  You're excited, but don't want to do anything to make this one crash either. And then I remember that this my life,  and mistakes will be made. So I'm forging ahead, learning just how  capable of taking care of what's mine I am. Fear is a killer, but like the fire, you have to go through it, to come out on the other side renewed, fertile. The old blog is still there...but I have a new blog home now. This is it.