Sunday, March 16, 2014

A year of living simply...or is it simpler?

Could I do it? Could I live a more minimal, simple life? Less consumerism?
I'm going to start. It's perfect timing too since I really want to work on home improvement stuff this year. My home is small, but I love it, and I think I'll love it even more once it's more me, more organized and reflects how I want to live.
As a child of a military family, I have very little that's leftover from my childhood. I think that lends itself to my slight hoarding attachment to things. But, I'm working on it. My current project is getting rid of extra furniture pieces from our move from a somewhat larger home last year. The storage here is better, with ample attic space, but you don't want to have a house full of crap in the attic for your kids to get rid of you, do you?
I'm a work in progress, but it's worth the effort. Cooking from scratch, eating more meals at home, sharing time with family doing things to build memories, trying my hand at diy.
It'll be interesting to be look back a year from now and see what changes I've been able to make.