Sunday, December 30, 2012

I'm back?

My little sister reminded me recently that I had not blogged in forever. So, true...apparently almost a year has passed since my last post. My life has been crazy busy and I had to prioritize. However, things should be slowing down very soon. In the meantime I still sew, although other than lounge pants I haven't sewn many clothes in the past year. I've quilted though, in fact I've probably completed 4 or 5 quilts and have 2 tops finished that I need to quilt. Anyway, the point is, I'm still here. I'm excited about the new year. Hopefully there are bright things in my professional future as I finish up my graduate degree (fingers crossed). And I hope that the slowing of my life means I can spend more time with the family doing things that we love. That I can focus on the homefront. That I can craft and share the stuff I'm working on in my blog. Come back and see what's up, I'm still here. I'm excited for 2013 to get here already

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sewing in Pictures

Believe it or not, I totally sew on a regular basis. I love it. I live for it, ok...not really, but it absolutely keeps me sane. What I don't do is take pictures. Sort of a bad thing for someone who is keeping a blog about the things they make. I'm going to try and be better. It's super neat to be able to look back and see what I've made. I've been sewing much more quilts lately than clothes, but that's all going to change as I plan on stash busting over the next few years. So I pledge to sew in pictures, not just the finished project, but the process too.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hello old friend

I created this blog ages ago (I'm talking years) at a time when I was sewing a lot of clothing for my children. Then life got in the way, distracted me and I promptly abandoned it. Lately though, I've been feeling that old pull. I really am a garment and accessory sewer. It's really what I love best of all.
So I'm dusty of my alter ego, Serena (that's the name I game my dressform) and getting my groove back. Don't get me wrong, I like quilting...especially the quilting community, which is vibrant and inspiring, but I love nothing better than to slip on something I stitched myself. And as my sweet sweet boy told me just today, " I like it when you make me stuff, there's just something special when you make it for me". Well, if that just doesn't tug at your heart, I guess you don't have one.
Anyway, I'm dusting off my pattern box and getting back on the garment sewing boat, I hope you'll come along for the ride.

Monday, January 2, 2012

To stash or not to stash

I have an INSANE amount of fabric. I mean I-N-S-A-N-E. It's really my only vice. I love being able to go out in the garage (you see it won't all fit in the house) and pick out a beautiful piece of fabric and being able to make whatever I'd like in that moment. The problem is I keep finding more fabric that I like. I just purchased 5 yards of this gorg. linen to make a Collette dress for myself. And of course I picked up a few of the DSQ prints from Joann's (only the green and blues...the red seems too much like 4th of July to me), I have tons of precut fabrics and plans in my head. I wish I could sew as fast as I come up with ideas...alas, I don't seem able to manage it.
One of my goals for 2012 and isn't it one every year is to sew from my stash and stop shopping. I'm putting it out there...again. I've been doing better. I've only added a few yards (ok, maybe a few more than a few) to my stash last year, but I did make a point to make many items just from what I already have. That's also bled over into other parts of my life, which is a good thing. Anyway, I've been commissioned by friend and family to make 4 quilts in the new year. I'm making a point to use fabric I already own. I'll be sure to share the results of the stash quilts.