Sunday, December 30, 2012

I'm back?

My little sister reminded me recently that I had not blogged in forever. So, true...apparently almost a year has passed since my last post. My life has been crazy busy and I had to prioritize. However, things should be slowing down very soon. In the meantime I still sew, although other than lounge pants I haven't sewn many clothes in the past year. I've quilted though, in fact I've probably completed 4 or 5 quilts and have 2 tops finished that I need to quilt. Anyway, the point is, I'm still here. I'm excited about the new year. Hopefully there are bright things in my professional future as I finish up my graduate degree (fingers crossed). And I hope that the slowing of my life means I can spend more time with the family doing things that we love. That I can focus on the homefront. That I can craft and share the stuff I'm working on in my blog. Come back and see what's up, I'm still here. I'm excited for 2013 to get here already