Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hello old friend

I created this blog ages ago (I'm talking years) at a time when I was sewing a lot of clothing for my children. Then life got in the way, distracted me and I promptly abandoned it. Lately though, I've been feeling that old pull. I really am a garment and accessory sewer. It's really what I love best of all.
So I'm dusty of my alter ego, Serena (that's the name I game my dressform) and getting my groove back. Don't get me wrong, I like quilting...especially the quilting community, which is vibrant and inspiring, but I love nothing better than to slip on something I stitched myself. And as my sweet sweet boy told me just today, " I like it when you make me stuff, there's just something special when you make it for me". Well, if that just doesn't tug at your heart, I guess you don't have one.
Anyway, I'm dusting off my pattern box and getting back on the garment sewing boat, I hope you'll come along for the ride.