Friday, April 15, 2011

Oh how I heart you Joann

Now I know I need to be buying fabric like I need a hole in my head, but how could I resist this stuff? I mean really, you tell me, how? I picked up some of new DSQ (as in Denyse Schmidt) fabric by Fabric Traditions for Joann's and couple pieces of AH Farmdale. I only had enough coupons to get 4 prints of the DSQ. I mean I'm still me, I had to use a coupon. I'll be going back and getting more as my coupons permit. Thankfully the Farmdale was already 30% off. I know tons of people slam JoAnn's as inferior quality (I'm thinking the whole Kona cotton debate) and what not, but I love the place. I'm there at least once a week. The employees are friendly and if not knowledgeable at least helpful. They don't hassle me when I come in with my fistful of coupons. They ask where my kids are (ahhh, the joys of child free fabric shopping). Need I say more. Don't get me wrong I shop my LQS too, but I do truly adore Joann's fabric and consider myself a loyal customer.