Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday's Fitness Wrapup

What to report? Not much. Holding steady. Still needing to figure out the exercise/life thing. I've been seriously considering dropping my gym membership. I will probably make a decision by the first of the year. Don't think I'm giving up on exercise. It's just that everything I keep reading talks about walking being the perfect inexpensive do anywhere workout and I'm thinking that's just what I should do. Except I like variety. So, I'm going to give myself the time to decide what works best for me. The cool thing about the Y is that you can rejoin without too much fuss or muss. Otherwise I'm doing better about snacking. Still need to find time to drink more water.
I'm a work in progress. I'm still 20 lbs from my goal. But, perhaps I'll make it there in 2011.