Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Work on it Wednesday

Today I've been giving Miss O. sewing lessons. She's been begging to learn for ages and now that she can reach the foot pedal and the machine bed at the same time, I couldn't put her off any longer. I don't believe in toy sewing machines. I think you should have the proper equipment for the job and that means a machine that actually sews. It'll prevent frustration and foster a love of sewing IMHO. I let her pick out her own machine from my collection awhile back. The girl has her standards. She was drawn to a Bernina 801 sport. It's actually a nice little machine for her. It all metal, mechanical and only has 6 different stitches. Nothing for her to mess up or break. She's super proud of "her sewing machine". We also put together a little sewing basket. She has her own pin cushion, scissors, seam ripper and thread. Initially I had her working on scrap fabrics, but she became easily bored with that. I have to admit, she's pretty good. She can sew fairly straight and she has pretty good speed control with the foot pedal. She always remembers to lift and lower the presser. Today she announced that she wanted to make a skirt. She picked out some fabric from my stash and we roughly measured her for a little skirt. She informed me that she thought she needed "a yard" (perhaps she's been to the fabric store one too many times). She didn't need a yard, actually she really only needed about 1/2 yard, lol. I set her to work. She did everything except the ironing and putting in the elastic. Great job! Project Runway, watch out!!!
I don't have time to do it right now, but I'll get a picture of Miss O. and her space skirt as soon as I can. Too cute!