Friday, June 25, 2010

Finding my mojo

You've heard me talk about diet and exercise before. Well, it's something I seem to be really struggling with lately. While I never have loved to exercise I was committed and consistent in doing it. Lately though, I can't seem to get my butt in gear. I don't seem to be very motivated. I've also noticed that I've been eating things that I had sworn off. Maybe this is just a phase and I need to power through it. But, I know for me I need some accountability in my life so I'm going to start reporting here weekly as sort of a fitness wrap up, call it fitness Friday. I hope you will join me in encouraging each other to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I'd really like to lose 15 lbs by Sept 1st, but I can tell you that I'm going to have to change the way I'm doing things. I'm going to have to recommit to keeping a food journal, doing regular exercise, drinking my water and seeking support and encouragement from others. I know that my life has been beyond crazy stressful lately, but I can't let that be an excuse to backslide. I have to get a handle on this and continue to make my health a priority.
Today I'm meeting up with my friend, Heather. It's so nice to have someone to workout with. It helps keep me motivated and helps to have someone encouraging me.
What did you move to lose today?