Friday, March 12, 2010

Trying for a little style

I'm no longer as young and hip as I used to think I was. But I still want a bit of style. You might remember that I like to sew. I have a pretty sizable stash. However, for the last few years I've concentrated on making items for my kids and a few bags/purses. I've been thinking lately that I'd like to add a bit of style to my routine. I'm sort of a jeans and tshirt gal, maybe a hoodie thrown in for practicality. Yesterday I was browsing through the Vogue pattern website and I realize there are some really cute fashion forward patterns out there. I could make myself some stylish clothes. I'm really inspired by a fellow local sewing mama. I love that Stephanie sews for both her self and her kids. She's got some fun style going on!
Here's a look at what I was thinking about.

Or maybe this

or something like this

or this?

Now the biggest question is where would I wear those to? I mean how would I look all done up in the carpool lane? But, should I let that stop me from having a little style? I think not. I've been trying to put a bit of makeup on and not looking completely dowdy. We shall see. Vogue patterns will be on sale at JoAnn's next week and I'll see what I can pickup. I noticed some nice fashion fabrics there the other day. It's funny to find myself looking at fabric that doesn't have purple princesses on it. Who knows maybe I'll finally finish some of those UFO's I have cut out for myself.