Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sewing on my mind?

Well, that was a bust! At this moment I was suppose to be hanging out with friends and enjoying all the beautiful quilts at the Mid Atlantic Quilt Festival. Instead, I'm hanging out at home. A long story, that I'd rather not revisit. However to console myself I think I'm going to take myself fabric shopping and then treat myself to several hours of uninterrupted sewing. I need to work on the blocks for the flickr virtual bee I'm a part of. I also just cut out 160+ rectangles to start on E.'s fence rail quilt. I finally found a pattern that spoke to me. I got it off Allpeoplequilt. I just love that site. There are tons of freebies on there. I think his quilt should be pretty straightforward. I hope to have it done by his birthday. I'm also going to get my fabric together for my local bees "Bag Day". I think I'm going to make O. a backpack. I actually already have everything, I'm just going to precut it so that I don't waste valuable sewing time cutting out my pattern. I have several backpack patterns, but I think I'm going to make the one from "Greenpepper patterns". I like that it has a drawstring on top rather than a zipper. I think it will be quicker and easier for her to handle. The other one I was looking at is one from a Japanese craft book I own. I think it's similar to the one Made by Rae makes.
I still haven't found the perfect fabric to make my DS single girl's quilt. I keep going back and forth. I think it would be better if I could just find an entire collection of something. Maybe today I'll come across something at Wish Upon a Quilt. I've also decided that I want to buy an accuquilt go, so I need to destash a ton of fabric and patterns. If I can earn 1/2 of the money (about $250 since I want the go and the mix & match die starter set) I think I can convince dh that it would make the perfect Mother's day gift.