Monday, March 9, 2009

Work on it Wednesday

Well...what to do? What to do? Ever have one of those days where you have so much to do that you're spinning because you don't even know where to start? No home improvement projects this week except perhaps testing a few more paint colors for the half bath. I like the yellow, Mister likes the blue. I was thinking blue would be ok...but wouldn't a navy be really cool? I don't know though, it's a pretty small bathroom.
O.'s birthday is coming up and I want to make her a special outfit for it, so I think today I will cut and sew. I really should make a couple pairs of pants for E. too since his legs seem to keep growing even if he's still my little peanut. I also want to work on my couponing, I'm really trying to embrace coupons to determine if it really saves us money. I'm pretty frugal already when it comes to groceries so I don't know if the amount of work this all entails will make up for the savings...we shall see.
Well...what am I waiting for, I have a lot to do.