Saturday, March 14, 2009


I must be feeling sentimental this morning. The kids are playing quietly in the next room and I have a moment to myself to reflect on a few things. I was just sitting here thinking how thankful I am for my life and my family. It's not a perfect life by any stretch. It's doesn't resemble the life I thought I'd have, but it seems to be the right life for me and perhaps the life I needed to make me the person I want to be. So much has happened this past year. Some bad, some good...some great. I look around at my life and I feel incredibly blessed. I have four beautiful, funny, intelligent, charming children. Each of them is a gift that I treasure, each one makes me proud of having the honor of being their mother and getting to be a steward of their lives. When I close my eyes I can easily recall each one's smile. I think about the fact that it's cold out and that I sit here warm in my home, surrounded by so many comforts, in my fuzzy slippers typing away on my nice laptop. I'm thankful that I have an education and a profession that allows me to have the things that I need and many of the things that I want. I'm thankful that I have a spouse that loves and supports matter what. I'm thankful that I have true friends that are quick to offer an ear or share a laugh. I'm thankful for my health, for my body that lets me do things I never thought I could do and that allows me to get up each day and try and be the best mother and wife...human I can be. I'm thankful that I have interest that allow me to express my creativity and that challenge me. I'm thankful that I live in this world at this time. Each and every day, I'm thankful.