Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My little ladybug down, one to go. I'm making 2 of the 3 Halloween costumes for my younger kids. I don't know what I was thinking when I told them I would do this...ah, but what is a sewing mama to do but bite the bullet. I tend to procrastinate when it comes to craft stuff and I have a deadline (some how it takes away some of the joy of crafting I guess). As it is Wednesday and I still have the cape to finish for ds' costume, you see why I might be feeling a bit under the the gun.
Anyway today they wore their Halloween costumes at O's dance class. They were all so sweet. I grabbed a picture of O. in her mamamade costume before we headed out the door.
I'm still undecided as to weather I should attach black circles on to O's tutu, but otherwise I'm pretty pleased with her costume. It's by no means perfect, but she seems pleased with it and that's really all that matters, right.