Monday, April 21, 2014

Everyone needs a project

Well, at least I do. I have a big project in the works. An entire home makeover! Super dupery! It's taken me a while to figure things out and now it's the one yearish anniversary of the day I closed on my forever home. I mean to say at my hmm...there's a real chance the next  home I'll be purchasing will be a room in the nursing home. Sadly, I'm tapped out financially, but that doesn't mean I don't have dreams and plans for my new adobe. Oh I do, I do. It's funny because it's really looks eerily like the home I used to dream of living in when I was child. Kind of like a sweet dollhouse. It's dollhouse like in size as well. But, hey, less to clean, right. Luckily the floor plan is really awesome and I couldn't be happier with the neighborhood. Everyone is so freaking's kind of weird. Even after a year, I'm still agonizing over paint colors and trying to figure out what stuff to get rid of (as a military brat, I often feel rootless). Pretty hard for a semi-professional hoarder thrifter. Yikes! It's been awesome, slowly turning a house into a dream home. It's smaller than my former place, but somehow seems better...maybe it's what it represents.  Fresh start, endless options, dreams, full of possibilities. Good times! Little tweaks here and there. Summer time is coming and I plan to whip the big yard into shape.

Friday, April 11, 2014


So, a month ago, I merged my two blogs. I should explain. While my life has changed, I thought it was important to remember where I've been, plus I had a lot of great content on my old blog. I mean I was in the height of sewing, crafting, cooking, supermom phase. I think it's important to take the good with you. When I moved the kids and I into our new place I left a lot behind, figuratively and literally. In my mind I kept thinking, "It's a fire, these are the things I lost in the fire."  It's true. You have to let some things have to burn your house down to start anew.

It's good, it's cleansing. Sure, I felt a bit singed and fragile at times, but certainly like a phoenix, I feel arisen. You now how when your computer crashes spectacularly, and then you get a new one and it runs super fast.  You're excited, but don't want to do anything to make this one crash either. And then I remember that this my life,  and mistakes will be made. So I'm forging ahead, learning just how  capable of taking care of what's mine I am. Fear is a killer, but like the fire, you have to go through it, to come out on the other side renewed, fertile. The old blog is still there...but I have a new blog home now. This is it.