Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Lately, my main priority has been to find a new job, post graduate school. I'm happy to say that I will be starting a new position the first of the year. I'm excited and nervous. I've been a bed side nurse for so long. I KNOW how to take care of a patient. My new position will be challenging to say the least.  I'll be a novice for the first time in a long time. But, it's going to provide me growth I wouldn't have any other way. It's going to fulfill professional goals that I've long held. But most importantly, I'll be able to care for my family financially.  There's been many sacrifices, but now I can look towards the future.
I look forward to the future. 2014 is looking bright. Hopefully, I'll balance learning new things with fun projects. I look forward to sewing, knitting and home improvement. I've gotten some new tools that I want to break in. Ahhh...good things to come.