Sunday, July 28, 2013

So, why blog?

I've thought about it a lot. The blogging thing is so pervasive...and I'm more of a go my own way gal. I have another blog that I kept up regularly for a couple year. Then life happened. It has a way of rearing its head and demanding your time and energy. Anyway, slowly I went from blogging very regularly, to not blogging much at all.
Now that so much stuff is behind me, I feel like I'm ready to dive into it again...but jeez, it so crowded out there. Is there a place for me? A working mom, a single mom, without much time to diy regularly or to take dazzling staged photos of the step by step of a project. It's catch as catch can. But I think I have something to say, a unique perspective. I work, I'm single, I'm a woman of color. I diy...I want a beautiful and comfortable home just like anyone else and I don't have a ton of money to make it happen. So...I scour the internet, and flip through magazine. I try. Sometime it's a when I thought I could substitute sultan lade slats for the slats that didn't come with the vintage bunk bed set I purchased for O & M. Why I didn't measure before hand I'll never know...that $40 down the tubes (the 5 hour drive back to IKEA doesn't make it worth the effort to return them).  However, the trip to Home Depot (should I mention it's only 5 mins from my house) to have diy plywood bunkie boards cut paid off in spades. Live and learn I always say.
My style is a whole lot of vintage, thrift store, well loved pieces and altogether modern eclectic. I love dark wood and simple lines. I resist the urge to repaint pieces. Something about the warmth of wood makes my heart happy.
So, I'm here. I'm committed to blogging, at least the present. Let's see how it goes.