Sunday, June 5, 2011

Belated Gift

I always have the best intention when it comes to making items to gift. I always, always start off with a bang, but somehow I end up with the day approaching (or in the case, passing me by) and either in a mad panic to finish or resigning myself to being a late gift giver. Luckily I must have inherited this trait from my mother as every occasion entitles her sending her package express so that it arrives on time. As this is for her, I'm sure she will forgive me. I posted it to her on Saturday and it should be on her doorstep by Tuesday. It was meant to be for Mother's Day.
She likes autumnal colors and I thought this Island Batik jelly roll seemed to capture that feeling very well. The pattern is essentially Cluck Cluck Sew's Basket Case pattern. I say essentially because beyond her general layout I didn't follow her directions. I probably should have, but I kind of like Gee's Bend wonky style in my quilting so I really like the many imperfections. I hope my Mom likes it.