Thursday, February 26, 2009

Dresser progress's today's progress on the dresser rehab. The piece needs to fully dry and then I will seal the entire thing with poly. I wanted to see the the effect with the hardware I spray painted. I think it looks pretty good, however one of the drawers has some drip marks and a high spot of paint, so I may go back and sand it down and repaint it, but still not too shabby. As much as I thought I'd be able to get away without the poly having had to touch it up several times already because of my little "helpers", I realize now I'm only half way through the process, however it's going to be totally worth it. I'm think it's much improved over the state it was in prior to painting it. I have the other piece to work on still, perhaps next week I can knock that one out too.
Disregard my drop cloth and paint stuff on the floor. I wanted to go ahead and take a picture to share with you all.