Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Can you have too many?

Well the Olympics are over and I've had to return to regular life. Which means back to cooking, cleaning...oh and crafting too. I'm hard at work on my socks for O. I finished my sock class last night, it was helpful to learn to use dpn...but honestly I think I could have figured the same stuff out with some good internet searches. Ah that I'm beyond the classes that my LYS offers, I'm going to just have to dive in and learn new skills on my own with the help of my friend Net (you get it? interNET?). And sewing...I have quite a bit on my "to sew" list. S. wants a tshirt and some lounge pants. I have to do a few things for O. including her lunch box and I'd like to do some things for me too. But, back to the question...can you have too many? I'm referring to patterns. I have a lot of sewing patterns...last I counted I had over 300, but that was months ago and I've added many more. Some have been gifted to me, but the vast majority I purchased. I'm an equal opportunity pattern lover too. I love the Big 4 companies just as well as the more exclusive (and need I add expensive) boutique lines. In fact I think I love the Big 4 more. I like that they bring sewing to the masses, they have their finger on the pulse of fashion and let's face it, they're affordable and easily obtained. I love that! My friend D. calls me a patternwhore. I have to admit I actually love patterns more than fabric and I do love some fabric. And yet...I wonder, do I have too many...when is enough, enough? I mean there's really only so many designs out there, right? Well...I haven't been able to answer that question for myself yet, but I'll let you know when I figure it out In the mean time I think someone is having a sale on patterns.