Thursday, July 17, 2008

A new

I've been bitten by the knitting bug. It's as bad as sewing in terms of expenditures, worst even, remember the $30 socks? But, oh the yarns are so pretty and soft and I just want to turn them in to something beautiful. I've been on a little shopping spree as of late. I just purchased yarn to make 2 moderne baby blankets, one for my niece and one for O. Again...not cheap, each blanket required about $50 worth of yarn and that was getting the yarn on sale. I also am still in search of the perfect needles to round out my collection so I've ordered some knitpicks nickel, harmony woods and dpn to try out. Today I bought a pair of Susan Bates Velocity from A.C. Moore to check out. I read on Ravelry that the cables are just like knitpicks and the tips seem like Addi's. The price is slightly less than addi's so that is nice (about $5 less) and I was able to use a coupon (woohoo!) so while not a bargain, they won't break the bank. I knitted a few rows on them tonight and I like them. I have a confession though, I don't think I have very discriminating taste when it comes to knitting needles. I like them all and I guess since I haven't worked with a huge variety of yarns I can't really tell the difference.

learning to knit in the round on two circs. A hat in progress on 2 size 8 addi turbos.

yarn for O.'s baby moderne blanket