Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The next generation sewer and a dotty dream

My little boy E. is very interested in learning to sew. It had been a dilemma to find a machine that was suitable to teach him on so that he could operate the machine independently. I finally solved the dilemma by setting him up on a vintage kenmore 47 (a thrift store find that cost all of $8, woohoo got to love those thrift stores) that operates with a knee pedal so that even though his feet don't reach the floor he can still operate the machine. He's so excited and has decided that he will make an Anakin Skywalker cape. Ambitious indeed, but I guess when you're young your only limitation is your imagination, lol!

Oh and here's a bag I made, it's called the Dotty Dream Bag and it's a free pattern from Ottobre. The fabric and trim came from my stash. The dot fabric is Chez Ami from the licorice line and the floral is a fabric one of my fellow sewing mamas, Eva picked up for me probably a year ago. I've been saving it for just the right project, I think this bag is it.