Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Privacy and the Internet

Blogging...hmmm, it's therapeutic to say the least...but should you put it all out there? I'm not sure. I keep seeing these commercials warning against the info that you share online. I've heard stories of employers that have fired folks for what they've written on MySpace or Youtube. Hmm...have I said anything that I will later regret? Written something that I would have a problem saying to someone's face. I don't think so. And yet...yet, I know that I censor myself to some degree because there is no privacy online. I could make this a private by invitation only blog, but what would be the point of that? I guess it's just important to remember that it's truly a global society. My dh asked what the deal was w/blogging and I had to think...what is the deal with blogging. I don't know. I like it. I like sharing the quirky things that happen in my life, the love I have for sewing and other crafts. It's makes the world seem just a bit smaller, maybe.